Rental assistance

From rental assistance via Housing Choice Vouchers to homelessness assistance through our Continuum of Care program, we provide assistance to help you secure housing in a easy and affordable way. Unlike our managed affordable housing programs, these programs let you choose your own residence, and we help you pay for it.

Housing Choice Vouchers →

We help assist low-income households with their rent by awarding Housing Choice Vouchers, which cover a percentage of their rent, while they pay the remainder, usually 30% of their monthly income.


Find a property

This can be any property (including your current residence), as long as the landlord agrees to rent under the Housing Choice Voucher program.

Get on the waitlist

Once you’ve selected a property, sign up for the voucher waitlist, and you’ll be notified with a voucher offer once one is available.

Move in

If you’re selected, we’ll verify your income and documents, then you’ll have to sign rental agreements and pay security deposits. Then it’s time to move in!

Homelessness assistance→

Our Continuum of Care (CoC) program helps homeless people find permanent housing and support services. We work with partners like Integral Care (IC) and the Ending Community Homelessness Coalition (ECHO) to run the program.


Determine eligibility →

Check if you meet the eligibility criteria for the CoC program by reviewing the four categories of homelessness here

Get referred

If you are eligible, contact Integral Care to be referred to the CoC program. Referrals for the program can only be made by case managers of IC.

Complete application

Once referred, complete the application process with the HATC and wait for a housing voucher to be issued.


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