HATC Receives "High-Performer" Rating from HUD

Nov 07, 2017 · News Release
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The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has rated the Housing Authority of Travis County (HATC) Housing Choice Voucher program as a “High Performer” for the fiscal year 2017. HATC is among a select number of housing authorities, of the approximately 3,200 across the US, to achieve and maintain this prominent designation.

“It is our goal to achieve High Performance status each year, and it is the vision of our Board of Commissioners and the continued hard work and dedication of our Voucher staff, led by Christina Montes, that allows us to do so. This HUD recognition is a representation of our unwavering commitment to fulfilling our mission and to the residents we serve,” exclaims Patrick Howard, HATC CEO/Executive Director.

The ranking of High Performer is the highest honor bestowed by HUD to housing authorities. HUD requires that all housing authorities meet strict requirements and full compliance with regulations in the operations of their rental assistance programs.

Annually, housing authorities undergo the Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) review. Fourteen (14) key areas are evaluated in this review, including the proper selection of applicants from the Housing Choice Voucher waiting list; the sound determination of reasonable rent for each unit leased; ensuring that units comply with Housing Quality Standards; and the enrollment of families in the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program.

Housing authorities scoring at 90 percent or higher receive the High Performer designation. The Housing Authority of Travis County received notification from HUD of its “high-performer” designation on November 2, 2017.

HATC embraces the mission of “Preserving and developing affordable housing and vibrant communities to enhance the quality of life for all.” For more information, visit www.hatctx.com or find us on Facebook.

