The Housing Authority of Travis County is announcing a public comment period for proposed changes to the PHA Housing Choice Voucher Administrative Plan (HCV) 2025
The purpose of the change is to align the PHA policies with HUD’s regulatory changes. Written comments regarding the proposed changes will be accepted starting March 18th, 2025, through April 17th, 2025.
All comments may be submitted to: Christina Diaz, Director of Voucher Programs & Homeless Initiatives, 502 E. Highland Mall Blvd., Suite 106 B, Austin, Texas 78752 or emailed to [email protected].
A copy of the changes to the HCV Administrative Plan is available at the end of this page, while directly below the changes are summarized.
HATC’s Board of Commissioners will vote on adopting these changes at the regularly scheduled May board meeting, at the HATC office, located at 502 E. Highland Mall Blvd. Ste. 106 B Austin, Texas 78752. This public hearing meeting is subject to change and any changes will be posted on the website.
Copies of the proposed plans are available for review at the HATC administrative office. Reasonable accommodations related to reviewing this plan may be requested at [email protected] or 512-854-1883.
Nan McKay & Associates (NMA) released a revision of the Model Administrative Plan that was fully updated for HOTMA 102/104 in November 2023 in anticipation of the original January 1, 2024, HOTMA 102/104 compliance date.
However, HUD has pushed back the compliance date for HOTMA 102/104 twice, and there is currently no new full compliance date. Further, in December 2024, HUD issued Notice PIH 2024-38, which required certain provisions of HOTMA 102/104 to be implemented no later than July 1, 2025. The following chapters were revised to comply:
Incorporated the definitions of *family, foster adult, *and *foster child *to be effective prior to the PHA's general HOTMA 102/104 compliance date as required by Notice PIH 2024-38.
This chapter contains only one citation correction.
Chapter 6.A. incorporates HOTMA 102/104 changes required to be implemented by July 1, 2025, per Notice PIH 2024-38. This includes changes regarding:
Chapter 6.B represents the policies the PHA will use upon the HOTMA 102/104 compliance date. Only minor corrections and clarifications have been made to this chapter.
Chapter 7.A. incorporates HOTMA 102/104 changes required to be implemented by July 1, 2025, per Notice PIH 2024-38. This includes changes regarding:
Chapter 7.B represents the policies the PHA will use upon the HOTMA 102/104 compliance date. This chapter contains no changes since the last revision.