Resolution No. TCFC-2025-10

To approve Phase II of the transaction for the COOP at Southpark Meadows Apartments (f/k/a Oak Hill Highline Apartments), a new two-phase multifamily residential complex comprised of 360 total units in collaboration with Urban Genesis, LLC or an affiliate. Phase I has been previously approved, and Phase II is being approved at this time. Phase II will consist of 132 units located at approximately 1705 Judy Drive in Austin, Texas.
Resolution No. TCFC-2025-10

To approve Phase II of the transaction for the COOP at Southpark Meadows Apartments (f/k/a Oak Hill Highline Apartments), a new two-phase multifamily residential complex comprised of 360 total units in collaboration with Urban Genesis, LLC or an affiliate. Phase I has been previously approved, and Phase II is being approved at this time. Phase II will consist of 132 units located at approximately 1705 Judy Drive in Austin, Texas.